Source code for ged2doc.odt_writer

"""Module which produces ODT output.

__all__ = ["OdtWriter"]

import hashlib
import io
import logging
from PIL import Image
from typing import NamedTuple

from ged4py import model
from .ancestor_tree import AncestorTree
from .ancestor_tree_emf import EMFTreeVisitor
from .ancestor_tree_svg import SVGTreeVisitor
from .size import Size
from . import utils
from . import writer
from odf.opendocument import OpenDocumentText
from odf import text, style, draw, table

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PageLayout(NamedTuple):
    """Class representing page layout, size and margins

    width, height : ged2doc.size.Size`
        Page size.
    left, right, top, bottom : `ged2doc.size.Size`
        Page margins.
    width: Size
    height: Size
    left: Size
    right: Size
    top: Size
    bottom: Size

def TR(x):
    """This is no-op function, only used to mark translatable strings,
    to extract all strings run ``pygettext -k TR ...``
    return x  # NOQA

[docs]class OdtWriter(writer.Writer): """Transforms GEDCOM file into nicely formatted OpenDocument Text (ODT). This is a sub-class of `~ged2doc.writer.Writer` class providing implementation for rendering methods which transform GEDCOM info into ODT structures. Constructor takes a large number of arguments which configure appearance of the resulting HTML page. After instantiating an object of this type one has to call `` method to produce output file. Parameters ---------- flocator : `ged2doc.input.FileLocator` File locator instance. output : `str` or `io.TextIOBase` Name for the output file or file object. tr : `ged2doc.i18n.I18N` Object supporting translation. encoding : `str`, optional GEDCOM file encoding, if ``None`` then encoding is determined from file itself. encoding_errors : `str`, optional Controls error handling behavior during string decoding, one of "strict" (default), "ignore", or "replace". sort_order : `ged4py.model.NameOrder`, optional Determines ordering of person in output file, one of the constants defined in `ged4py.model.NameOrder` enum. name_fmt : `int`, optional Bit mask with flags from `` module. make_images : `bool`, optional If ``True`` (default) then generate images for persons. make_stat : `bool`, optional If ``True`` (default) then generate statistics section. make_toc : `bool`, optional If ``True`` (default) then generate Table of Contents. events_without_dates : `bool`, optional If ``True`` (default) then show events that have no associated dates. page_width, page_height : `ged2doc.size.Size`, optional Page size of the produced document. margin_left, margin_right, margin_top, margin_bottom : `ged2doc.size.Size`, optional Page margins of the produced document. image_width, image_height : `ged2doc.size.Size`, optional Size of the images. tree_width : `int` Number of generations in ancestor tree. first_page : `int` Number of the first generated page. tree_format : `str` Image format for ancestor tree, "emf" or "svg". """ def __init__(self, flocator, output, tr, encoding=None, encoding_errors="strict", sort_order=model.NameOrder.SURNAME_GIVEN, name_fmt=0, make_images=True, make_stat=True, make_toc=True, events_without_dates=True, page_width="6in", page_height="9in", margin_left="0.5in", margin_right="0.5in", margin_top="0.5in", margin_bottom="0.25in", image_width="2in", image_height="2in", tree_width=4, first_page=1, tree_format="emf"): writer.Writer.__init__(self, flocator, tr, encoding=encoding, encoding_errors=encoding_errors, sort_order=sort_order, name_fmt=name_fmt, make_images=make_images, make_stat=make_stat, make_toc=make_toc, events_without_dates=events_without_dates) self._output = output self._image_width = Size(image_width) self._image_height = Size(image_height) self._tree_width = tree_width self._first_page = first_page self._tree_format = tree_format doc = OpenDocumentText() # page layout self.layout = PageLayout( width=Size(page_width), height=Size(page_height), left=Size(margin_left), right=Size(margin_right), top=Size(margin_top), bottom=Size(margin_bottom)) # starting page number self._make_layout(doc, self.layout, self._first_page) self.styles = self._make_styles(doc, self.layout) self.doc = doc
[docs] def _make_layout(self, doc, layout, firstpage): """Set paper dimensions. Parameters ---------- doc : `OpenDocumentText` ODT document object. layout : `PageLayout` ODT page layout. firstpage : `int` Number of the first generated page. """ pageLayout = style.PageLayout(name="pl1") doc.automaticstyles.addElement(pageLayout) plProp = style.PageLayoutProperties(pageheight=str(layout.height), pagewidth=str(layout.width), marginleft=str(layout.left), marginright=str(layout.right), margintop=str(, marginbottom=str(layout.bottom)) pageLayout.addElement(plProp) # add page numbers to the footers footer = style.Footer() foostyle = style.Style(name="Footer", family="paragraph") foostyle.addElement(style.ParagraphProperties(textalign='center')) foostyle.addElement(style.TextProperties(fontsize='10pt')) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(foostyle) p = text.P(stylename=foostyle) p.addElement(text.PageNumber(selectpage="current", pageadjust=str(firstpage - 1))) footer.addElement(p) masterpage = style.MasterPage(name="Standard", pagelayoutname=pageLayout) masterpage.addElement(footer) doc.masterstyles.addElement(masterpage)
[docs] def _make_styles(self, doc, layout): """Generate set of styles for the document. Parameters ---------- doc : `OpenDocumentText` ODT document object. layout : `PageLayout` ODT page layout. """ styles = {} # heading styles, occupies whole page, centered h1font = '22pt' h1topmrg = (layout.height - - layout.bottom) * 0.5 h1topmrg -= Size(h1font) h1style = style.Style(name="Heading 1", family="paragraph") h1style.addElement(style.ParagraphProperties( textalign='center', breakbefore='page', margintop=str(h1topmrg))) h1style.addElement(style.TextProperties(fontsize=h1font, fontweight='bold')) doc.styles.addElement(h1style) styles['h1'] = h1style brstyle = style.Style(name="Break", family="paragraph") brstyle.addElement(style.ParagraphProperties( textalign='center', breakafter='page')) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(brstyle) styles['br'] = brstyle h2namestyle = style.Style(name="Heading 2 (Name)", family="paragraph") h2namestyle.addElement(style.ParagraphProperties( textalign='center', breakbefore='page', marginbottom="14pt")) h2namestyle.addElement(style.TextProperties( fontsize='14pt', fontweight='bold')) doc.styles.addElement(h2namestyle) styles['h2br'] = h2namestyle h2style = style.Style(name="Heading 2", family="paragraph") h2style.addElement(style.ParagraphProperties( textalign='center', margintop="12pt")) h2style.addElement(style.TextProperties( fontsize='14pt', fontweight='bold')) doc.styles.addElement(h2style) styles['h2'] = h2style h3style = style.Style(name="Heading 3", family="paragraph") # h3style.addElement(style.ParagraphProperties(textalign='center', # margintop="12pt", borderbottom="0.06pt solid #000000")) h3style.addElement(style.ParagraphProperties( textalign='center', margintop="12pt")) h3style.addElement(style.TextProperties(fontweight='bold')) doc.styles.addElement(h3style) styles['h3'] = h3style # style for image imgstyle = style.Style( name="ImgStyle", family="graphic", parentstylename="Graphics") imgstyle.addElement(style.GraphicProperties( verticalpos='top', verticalrel='paragraph-content', horizontalpos='right', horizontalrel='page-content', marginleft="0.1in", marginbottom="0.1in")) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(imgstyle) styles['img'] = imgstyle # centered paragraph centered = style.Style(name="centered", family="paragraph") centered.addElement(style.ParagraphProperties(textalign='center')) doc.styles.addElement(centered) styles['center'] = centered # centered frame frame_center = style.Style( name="frame-center", family="graphic", parentstylename="Graphics" ) frame_center.addElement(style.GraphicProperties( horizontalpos="center", horizontalrel="paragraph" )) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(frame_center) styles['frame_center'] = frame_center # style for tree table treetablestyle = style.Style(name="TreeTableStyle", family="table") treetablestyle.addElement(style.TableProperties(align='center')) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(treetablestyle) styles['treetable'] = treetablestyle treecellstyle = style.Style( name="TreeTableCellStyle", family="table-cell") treecellstyle.addElement(style.TableCellProperties( verticalalign='middle', padding='0.03in')) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(treecellstyle) styles['treecell'] = treecellstyle treeparastyle = style.Style( name="TreeTableParaStyle", family="paragraph") treeparastyle.addElement(style.ParagraphProperties( textalign='center', verticalalign='middle', border="0.06pt solid #000000", padding='0.01in')) treeparastyle.addElement(style.TextProperties(fontsize='10pt')) doc.automaticstyles.addElement(treeparastyle) styles['treepara'] = treeparastyle return styles
[docs] def _interpolate(self, text): """Takes text with embedded references and returns text. Parameters ---------- text : `str` Arbitrary text with references. Returns ------- text : `str` Resulting text. """ result = "" for piece in utils.split_refs(text): if isinstance(piece, tuple): xref, name = piece result += name else: result += piece return result
[docs] def _render_prolog(self): # docstring inherited from base class pass
[docs] def _render_section(self, level, ref_id, title, newpage=False): # docstring inherited from base class style = "h" + str(level) if newpage: style += "br" self.doc.text.addElement(text.H(text=title, outlinelevel=level, stylename=self.styles.get(style))) if level == 1: # page break after H1 self.doc.text.addElement(text.P(text='', stylename="Break"))
[docs] def _render_person(self, person, image_data, attributes, families, events, notes): # docstring inherited from base class # image if present if image_data: imgframe = self._get_image_fragment(image_data) if imgframe: p = text.P() imgframe.setAttribute('stylename', self.styles['img']) imgframe.setAttribute('anchortype', 'paragraph') p.addElement(imgframe) self.doc.text.addElement(p) # all attributes follow for attr, value in attributes: self.doc.text.addElement(text.P(text=attr + ": " + self._interpolate(value))) if families: hdr ="Spouses and children"), self._render_section(3, "", hdr) for family in families: family = self._interpolate(family) self.doc.text.addElement(text.P(text=family)) if events: hdr ="Events and dates")) self._render_section(3, "", hdr) for date, facts in events: facts = self._interpolate(facts) self.doc.text.addElement(text.P(text=date + ": " + facts)) if notes: hdr ="Comments")) self._render_section(3, "", hdr) for note in notes: self.doc.text.addElement(text.P(text=note)) self._make_ancestor_tree(person)
[docs] def _render_name_stat(self, n_total, n_females, n_males): # docstring inherited from base class items = ((TR('Person count'), n_total), (TR('Female count'), n_females), (TR('Male count'), n_males)) for key, val in items: p = text.P(text='%s: %d' % (, val)) self.doc.text.addElement(p)
[docs] def _render_name_freq(self, freq_table): # docstring inherited from base class def _gencouples(namefreq): halflen = (len(namefreq) + 1) // 2 for i in range(halflen): n1, c1 = namefreq[2 * i] n2, c2 = None, None if 2 * i + 1 < len(namefreq): n2, c2 = namefreq[2 * i + 1] yield n1, c1, n2, c2 total = float(sum(count for _, count in freq_table)) tbl = table.Table() tbl.addElement(table.TableColumn()) tbl.addElement(table.TableColumn()) tbl.addElement(table.TableColumn()) tbl.addElement(table.TableColumn()) for name1, count1, name2, count2 in _gencouples(freq_table): row = table.TableRow() cell = table.TableCell() cell.addElement(text.P(text=name1 or '-')) row.addElement(cell) cell = table.TableCell() cell.addElement(text.P(text='%d (%.1f%%)' % (count1, count1 / total * 100))) row.addElement(cell) if count2 is not None: cell = table.TableCell() cell.addElement(text.P(text=name2 or '-')) row.addElement(cell) cell = table.TableCell() cell.addElement(text.P(text='%d (%.1f%%)' % (count2, count2 / total * 100))) row.addElement(cell) tbl.addElement(row) self.doc.text.addElement(tbl)
[docs] def _render_toc(self): # docstring inherited from base class self.doc.text.addElement(text.P(text='', stylename=self.styles['br'])) toc = text.TableOfContent(name='TOC') tocsrc = text.TableOfContentSource(outlinelevel=2) title ="Table Of Contents")) toctitle = text.IndexTitleTemplate(text=title) tocsrc.addElement(toctitle) toc.addElement(tocsrc) self.doc.text.addElement(toc)
[docs] def _finalize(self): # docstring inherited from base class # save the result if hasattr(self._output, 'write'): self.doc.write(self._output) else:
[docs] def _get_image_fragment(self, image_data): """Adds Image to the document as person's picture. Parameters ---------- image_data : `bytes` Image data. Returns ------- frame : `odf.draw.Frame` Frame containing image. """ try: img = except Exception as exc: # PIL could fail for any reason, no chance to know, # just log an error and ignore this image _log.error("error while loading image: %s", exc) return None filename = "Pictures/" + \ hashlib.sha1(image_data).hexdigest() + '.' + img.format.lower() # calculate size of the frame maxsize = (self._image_width.inches, self._image_height.inches) w, h = utils.resize(img.size, maxsize) frame = draw.Frame(width="%.3fin" % w, height="%.3fin" % h) imgref = self.doc.addPicture(filename, utils.img_mime_type(img), image_data) frame.addElement(draw.Image(href=imgref)) return frame
[docs] def _make_ancestor_tree(self, person): """"Add a picture for ancestor tree. Parameters ---------- person : `ged4py.model.Individual` INDI record """ width = self.layout.width - self.layout.left - self.layout.right tree = AncestorTree(person, max_gen=self._tree_width, width=width, gen_dist="12pt", font_size="9pt") if self._tree_format == "emf": visitor = EMFTreeVisitor(width=tree.width, height=tree.height) tree.visit(visitor) img = visitor.makeEMF() if not img: return img_data, mime, width, height = img else: visitor = SVGTreeVisitor(units='in', fullxml=True) tree.visit(visitor) img = visitor.makeSVG(width=tree.width, height=tree.height) if not img: return img_data, mime, width, height = img # convert it to binary img_data = img_data.encode("utf_8") # store image filename = "Pictures/" + \ hashlib.sha1(img_data).hexdigest() + '.' + self._tree_format imgref = self.doc.addPicture(filename, mime, img_data) frame = draw.Frame(width=str(width), height=str(height), anchortype="as-char", stylename=self.styles["frame_center"]) frame.addElement(draw.Image(href=imgref)) hdr ="Ancestor tree")) self._render_section(3, "", hdr) p = text.P(stylename=self.styles['center']) p.addElement(frame) self.doc.text.addElement(p)