Source code for ged2doc.size

"""Module which defines class for manipulating size values.

MM_PER_INCH = 25.4

[docs]class Size: """Class for specifying size values. Size can be specified as a number with units, supported units are ``pt`` (points), ``in`` (inches), ``cm`` (centimeters), ``mm`` (millimeters), and ``px`` (pixels). If units are not specified then inches are assumed. Constructor converts input value to a size. If input value has numeric type then it is assumed to be size in inches. If input value is a string then it should be a floating number followed by optional suffix (one of pt, in, mm, cm, px). Without suffix the number gives size in inches. Constructor also accepts other ``Size`` instances as an argument which copies the size value (but can be use to specify different ``dpi`` value). Class supports most of the regular numeric operators so it can be used as a numeric value (in inches) in expressions. Operator XOR (^) is used for formatting of the size values with the specified unit type, e.g.:: size = Size("144pt") / 2 print(size^"mm") # will produce string "25.4mm" Parameters ---------- value : `int`, `float`, `str`, or `Size` Input value for size. dpi : `float`, optional Dots-per-inch for converting pixels into other scale. Default is to use class attribute `dpi` value. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if string does not have correct format. TypeError Raised if input value has unsupported type. """ dpi = 96. """Class constant used for pixels-to-inches conversion, default value is 96., it is used as default DPI for ``Size`` instances that do not specify explicit ``dpi`` argument """ def __init__(self, value=0, dpi=None): if isinstance(value, str): # convert units to inches self.dpi = float(dpi) if dpi is not None else Size.dpi if value.endswith('pt'): self.value = float(value[:-2]) / PT_PER_INCH elif value.endswith('in'): self.value = float(value[:-2]) elif value.endswith('cm'): self.value = float(value[:-2]) / (MM_PER_INCH / 10) elif value.endswith('mm'): self.value = float(value[:-2]) / MM_PER_INCH elif value.endswith('px'): self.value = float(value[:-2]) / self.dpi else: # without suffix assume it's inches self.value = float(value) elif isinstance(value, Size): self.value = value.value self.dpi = float(dpi) if dpi is not None else value.dpi else: # expect a number try: self.dpi = float(dpi) if dpi is not None else Size.dpi self.value = float(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise TypeError("incorrect type of the argument: " + str(type(value))) @property def pt(self): """Size in points (`float`)""" return self.value * 72. @property def px(self): """Size in pixels, (`int`) """ return int(round(self.value * self.dpi)) @property def pxf(self): """Size in (fractional) pixels, (`float`)""" return self.value * self.dpi @property def inches(self): """Size in inches, (`float`)""" return self.value @property def mm(self): """Size in millimeters, (`float`)""" return self.value * MM_PER_INCH
[docs] def to_dpi(self, dpi): """Return copy of itself with updated DPI value. This is a convenience method which does the same as `Size(self, dpi)`. """ return Size(self, dpi)
def __str__(self): """ Returns string representation, e.g. "12in" """ return str(self.value) + 'in' def __repr__(self): """ Returns string representation, e.g. Size("12in") """ return "Size({}in)".format(self.value) def __lt__(self, other): """ Compare two sizes """ return self.value < self._coerce(other).value def __le__(self, other): """ Compare two sizes """ return self.value <= self._coerce(other).value def __eq__(self, other): """ Compare two sizes """ return self.value == self._coerce(other).value def __ne__(self, other): """ Compare two sizes """ return self.value != self._coerce(other).value def __ge__(self, other): """ Compare two sizes """ return self.value >= self._coerce(other).value def __gt__(self, other): """ Compare two sizes """ return self.value > self._coerce(other).value def __sub__(self, other): """ Subtract size from other size """ return Size(self.value - self._coerce(other).value, self.dpi) def __rsub__(self, other): """ Subtract size from other size """ return self._coerce(other) - self def __add__(self, other): """ Add two sizes """ return Size(self.value + self._coerce(other).value, self.dpi) def __radd__(self, other): """ Add size and something: x + size""" return self._coerce(other) + self def __mul__(self, other): """ Multiply size by a factor """ return Size(self.value * other, self.dpi) def __rmul__(self, other): """ Multiply size by a factor: other * size """ return Size(self.value * other, self.dpi) def __div__(self, other): """ Divide size by a factor """ return Size(self.value / other, self.dpi) def __truediv__(self, other): """ Divide size by a factor """ return Size(self.value / other, self.dpi) def __floordiv__(self, other): """ Divide size by a factor """ return Size(self.value // other, self.dpi) def __xor__(self, units): """ Size(1.)^"mm" will return "25.4mm" """ if units == 'in': return "%gin" % (self.value,) elif units == 'pt': return "%gpt" % (self.value * PT_PER_INCH,) elif units == 'cm': return "%gcm" % (self.value * MM_PER_INCH / 10,) elif units == 'mm': return "%gmm" % (self.value * MM_PER_INCH,) elif units == 'px': return "%gpx" % (int(round(self.value * self.dpi)),) else: return "%gin" % (self.value,)
[docs] def _coerce(self, other): """Coerce other object to Size, use this object dpi if needed""" if not isinstance(other, Size): other = Size(other, self.dpi) return other
[docs]class String2Size: """Class implementing callable for conversion of strings to `Size`. This class defines restrictions on Size units, you can define set of accepted/rejected unit types. This could be useful for command line parser, e.g. as a `type` argument for ``argparse`` methods. Parameters ---------- default_unit : `str` Default unit name to use when unit is not given. accepted_units : `list` [ `str` ] List of acceptable unit names, if string passed to ``__call__`` has unit not in this list then ``ValueError`` is raised. If ``None`` or empty list is passed to this argument then check is not performed. rejected_units : `list` [ `str` ] List of rejected unit names, if string passed to ``__call__`` has unit on this list then ``ValueError`` is raised. If ``None`` or empty list is passed to this argument then check is not performed. """ all_units = ('pt', 'in', 'cm', 'mm', 'px') """All known unit names. """ def __init__(self, default_unit="in", accepted_units=None, rejected_units=None): self._default_unit = default_unit self._accepted_units = accepted_units self._rejected_units = rejected_units def __call__(self, value): """Implements operator(). Parameters ---------- value : `str` String value to convert to `Size`. Returns ------- size : `Size` String value converted to `Size`. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if string does not have correct format or if unit type is not accepted. """ try: # if this is a number then add default unit float(value) value += self._default_unit except ValueError: pass if not any(value.endswith(unit) for unit in self.all_units): raise ValueError("String {} does not contain valid " "unit".format(value)) if self._accepted_units: if not any(value.endswith(unit) for unit in self._accepted_units): raise ValueError("String {} does not contain acceptable " "unit".format(value)) if self._rejected_units: if any(value.endswith(unit) for unit in self._rejected_units): raise ValueError("String {} contains unacceptable " "unit".format(value)) return Size(value)